Difficulty seeing is only one of the signs that you may need glasses. We compiled a list of the most common signs and symptoms below.

1. Eye Strain or Eye Fatigue

Eye strain and fatigue are common signs that you are due for an eye exam. Eye strain might irritate your eyes after common activities like reading, using electronics, or driving. Eye fatigue means exactly what you think. Your eyes themselves can feel tired, and that could indicate that you need glasses.

2. Headaches

Headaches are another reason to visit the eye doctor. If you notice that you get frequent headaches after focusing on one thing for a while, this may be an indication that your eyes are getting weaker and that glasses may be your best bet in eliminating the pain.

3. Seeing Double

This isn’t a joke. Double vision is a sign that you to need to consult an eye doctor right away. Double vision can mean your eye muscles are weakening or there is a problem with your cornea.

4. Wavy Vision

If straight lines look wavy or colors appear dull, you might be experiencing macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is the deterioration of the central area of the retina and is known to be a leading cause of vision loss. Regular glasses and bifocals can help delay the onset and strengthen your eye muscles.

5. Seeing Halos

Halos usually occur at night when you look at bright objects like streetlamps, headlights or lightbulbs. Seeing halos can be the result of common conditions such as cataracts. An eye doctor can tell you whether glasses will help you see better at night.

6. Eye Pressure

Do you ever feel like there’s a weight on or behind your eye? That pressure could be a sign of glaucoma, which can be easily managed with the help of an eye doctor and a pair of glasses.

7. Difficulty Seeing at a Computer

Although difficulty seeing a computer screen could be the result of digital eye strain, often it is because you are experiencing farsightedness. Computer glasses easily remedy this problem.

8. Trouble Adjusting from Light to Dark

Have you noticed that your eyes take a while to adjust if you go from a dark room to a bright area or from light to dark? Having this problem could mean that the muscles that control the iris of your eye are becoming weak and you need glasses.

9. Difficulty Seeing at Night

If you have trouble seeing at night or concerns about driving at night, you should see your doctor as soon as you can. This could be a sign of early cataracts. Your eye doctor can devise a treatment plan and prescribe the appropriate glasses.

10. Parents Have Glasses

Did your parents have glasses? Your grandparents? Maybe even great-grandparents? While needing glasses is not always hereditary, in many cases if your parents did, then there’s a large indication that you’ll need glasses as well. Go get your eyes checked early and often to monitor your vision.

11. Blurred Vision

The most well-known sign that you need glasses is blurry vision. There are a few different ways you might experience blurry vision. Farsightedness can cause objects close to you to appear blurry, while objects further away are still easily focused on. The opposite of this is known as nearsightedness in which objects in the distance appear blurry but things up close are in focus. The good news is that glasses can easily address either scenario.

If you or a loved one is suffering from any of these symptoms, consult an eye doctor to find out for sure if you would benefit from wearing glasses.


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