
LipiFlow is an effective one-time procedure that treats dry eye and alleviates irritating symptoms.  This technique specifically addresses Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), which is when your tears do not contain sufficient oils for proper eye lubrication which...

“The Sneak Thief of Sight” Is On Our Minds This January

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month Make your resolution for healthy vision this year by knowing the risks and signs of glaucoma. As the leading cause of blindness worldwide, glaucoma has earned the nickname “The Sneak Thief of Sight”. This is because often there are...

What is an Optician?

The field of eye care is a necessary service to the world, and opticians serve the public in the many facets of eye care and vision correction. However, while a career as an optician can be very rewarding, it is often misunderstood. A huge misconception is that...

How Long Can You Wear Daily Disposable Contacts?

Most daily disposable contacts are single-use, meaning they are meant to be thrown away after you take them out at the end of the day. But many of our patients ask—do you still need to toss them if you only wear your dailies for a few hours before taking them out? Is...


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Halloween Eye Safety

Eye Safety Tips For Halloween October has arrived and that means many people...